Friday, June 4, 2010


Currently there are many food stalls that sell snacks from different parts of the region of Indonesia. However, there are only one or two snacks that are difficult to find, including Arumanis.

Foods made from raw sugar which is often called cotton sugar is only there in a celebration or a festive night market. Difficulty finding Arumanis on ordinary days Arumanis Rainbow deem this as a business opportunity.

Arumanis foods are short-lived. Not because of stale, but the quality of cotton would be reduced if allowed to Arumanis exposed to the wind. Therefore Arumanis Rainbow pack their products in an airtight container. This Arumanis can stand up to a month in air-conditioned room, the word Prana Mangun W., founder of the Rainbow franchise Arumanis.

Rainbow franchise owner Arumanis others, Erika Hayu Puspita, says that products using safe ingredients, including coloring and taste. Special taste, we use the materials for ice cream.

Although founded in 2001, franchised new Arumanis slide in March 2010. Total outlets Arumanis management is currently managed as many as 19 Rainbow stores, spread out in Bogor, Jakarta, and Cibubur. However, while this location is still held his own in the Greater Jakarta area.

In addition to the region, currently has franchises spread across Lampung, Surabaya, and Medan. While the franchise in Bandung in the licensing process.

Arumanis Rainbow offers a profit sharing scheme. The calculation for the results of the negotiations depends on both parties. However, Prana said, typically the percentage of profit sharing with the owner or franchisee locations approximately 25%.

Prospective franchisees can find strategic locations to place his own booth, such as in shopping centers, schools, tourist attractions, and food stores. We will help the process of licensing, said the Heart.

Prospective franchisee to provide enough money to invest USD 20 million. This includes the procurement of capital Arumanis maker, four-booth displays, packaging tubes of small, medium, and large for Arumanis, initial raw materials, support equipment, production training, employee uniforms, as well as software sales.

With one machine, franchisees can sell Arumanis more than one booth. More booth, behind the calculation of capital will also be faster. Although the initial package was only given four booth displays, the franchisee may request additional. One booth USD 1 million, said the Heart. Franchise or royalty fees every year quotes.

Arumanis is sold in three sizes. Arumanis in a small tube for Rp 7500, the tube was USD 9000, and a large tube of Rp 11,000. There are five flavors available are original, bubble gum, orange, clouds, taste wine, and leaves.

Chairman of the Steering Board of Franchising and Licensing Indonesia Amir Karamoy said, the prospects for this franchise is good because this product kids love and adults. Especially if there are attractions making so that children are more interested. In addition, franchisees maintain absolute cleanliness considering its market is children.

Raw materials business has always been a fairly profitable business fields. Position as an intermediary between sellers of raw materials by producers of materials so this was as a meeting point both sides producers in upstream and downstream sectors. This also applies to textile fabrics business players.

Plain fabric to target business people engaged in the garment and fashion industry. Although located in the middle, does not mean the money that rotates a half-half.

Bagyo Sotopo, Marketing Manager of PT Kusuma Clothing Mekarjaya (KSM) in Sleman, Yogyakarta, admitted could rake in revenue of USD 8 billion per month. In that period, KSM can produce a variety of fabrics up to 2 million meters.

Actually, this figure is lower than last year's turnover. Bagyo mention expensive fabric yarn prices as the cause. Yarn prices rose 25% this year. He gave an example, the price of rayon yarn types which last year was USD 5.2 million per bale, now a USD 5.8 million. In fact, CBO does not just sell the cloth, but the processing threads to be woven.

Although the yarn price rise, claims can not participate Bagyo increase the selling price of different fabrics. Men 52 years of consumer rate KSM, including batik crafters, will not be able to absorb it if the price is increased.

Companies that stood since 1989 was made of five types of cloth that is Rayon, Cotton, Tetoron, Tetoron Rayon (TR), and Tetoron Cotton (TC). Each type of fabric is divided again in different variants. KSM product prices within the range of Rp 3,000 to Rp 10,500 per meter.

Bagyo market the fabric to Solo, Pekalongan, Malang, Surabaya, Bandung and Tangerang. Buyers from Tangerang exporting our products to the Middle East.

Other fabric businessperson is Ayin. German cloth business owners in Pekalongan was plunged into the business fabric since 1995. He sold the cotton and silk fabrics. For cotton, he used to take it from Solo and Yogyakarta.

As for the silk, he picked up from importers who bring it from China. Because China's famous silk good quality.

Ayin cotton price of Rp 5,000 to Rp 10,000 per yard. While the price of silk USD 10,000 to USD 50,000.

There are 50 regular customers who are spread in Pekalongan Ayin, Pemalang, Tegal, Cirebon, Bandung, and Jakarta. There are also clients in Bali, Jambi, Palangkaraya, and Makassar.

Before Lebaran, its sales could be doubled twice. However, Ayin not willing to call certain numbers every month turnover.

Ayin just said, his business is a competitive constraint to offer the cheapest prices. While constraints Bagyo, in addition to rising prices of yarn, fabric products are competitive with China. In terms of quality, local products from China and there is no difference. But China's price of cloth can be more oblique. Labor costs and electricity costs us more expensive, said Bagyo.

Grow faster than INDIGO ORDINARY
Nila is one type of freshwater fish widely consumed by people in the country. Understandably, this sense of well-known fish meat is very tasty. Do not be surprised, if the demand for fish that actually comes from Africa continues to increase. This condition is seen as a promising business opportunity by the tilapia fish farmers.

In fact, in order to increase incomes, many farmers are trying to make marriage nila tilapia species which he cultivated. One of the pair inter-marriages between tilapia species, Tilapia SP. Results from this crossing of a new birth of indigo, which is Nila Gift.

Gift name itself comes from the acronym for Genetic Improvement of genetic improvement of farmed Tilapia aka Nila Tilapia aquaculture. This crossing technique developed by the International Centre for Living Aquatic Resources Management (ICLARM) in the Philippines in 1987.

From the testing result, production levels Nila Gift higher 30% -50% of local tilapia. ICLARM pilot fish is then distributed to 10 countries in 1993, namely Bangladesh, China, Côte d'Ivoire, Greece, Ghana, India, Malawi, Thai, Vietnamese and Filipino.

Gift Nila new entry into Indonesia in 1994, through the Research Institute of Freshwater Fishes (Balitkanwar). Nila was then cultivated in three large reservoirs in West Java, namely Cirata, Saguling, and Jatiluhur. Current production of about 20 tons per day.

According to Helmi Suherman, owner of tilapia farming Brilliant Earth Farm in Cianjur, West Java, Nila Gift genetically proven to have the advantage of higher productivity and growth of tilapia diamonds.

According to Deddy Siswandi Rosyid, owner Niaga Jaya Abadi CV in Sukabumi, West Java, the cultivation of indigo with a time of faster growth will benefit the farmers. Deddy therefore also interested wrestle Nila Gift nursery business, namely the maintenance of fish larvae into the seed was about 21 days.

According to him, the demand for seed Nila Gift never lonely. He could sell one million fry per month. Demand comes from many areas, such as Medan, Balikpapan, Aceh and Makassar.

Deddy Nila Gift seed price USD 35 per head. From seed sales, he could reach turnover of Rp 30 million-USD 40 million per month. Margin is about 20% -30%.

In contrast to Deddy, Helmi was more interested in doing business Nila Gift enlargement. He cultivates this kind of indigo in Cirata, Cianjur. Every four months, he's harvest 8 tons of tilapia.

Nila Gift Helmi sell for Rp 11 500-Rp 12,000 per kilogram (kg). From this business, he scooped up turnover to $ 80 million once the harvest.

While Anastasia Sulistio choose undergoing Gift Nila distribution business. He marketed to a number of fishing places in the Greater Jakarta area. Supply from the Bogor area.

Anastasia Nila Gift for Rp 15,000 per kilogram. Saban months, he could supply the five tons of fish up to 6 tons. turnover of each month to reach USD 75 million with a profit margin of about 5% -10%.

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