Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Immunisation is usually synonymous with children under age five years (toddlers). But, that does not mean immunization does not apply to adults. In fact, immunization of adults is not as important as immunization in children.

Like children, adults also need immunizations. This is to stimulate the body's resistance against certain infections, said Sukamto Koesnoe, Internal Medicine Specialist Doctors Allergy Immunology from Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM).

Sukamto said, many adults are now susceptible exposed to viruses and bacteria that can cause disease. The trigger could be due to the crowded and busy lifestyle is not healthy.
To prevent these diseases, even adults need to do immunizations. Hence, many developed countries to make immunization for adults as a routine program in health.

United States, for example, this year launched a 60% influenza vaccination in adults. While South Korea to provide 10 million units of the influenza vaccine every year. In fact, 90% medical officers there have been disuntuk vaccine.

In Australia, this activity has also been a government program. So also in several other countries, like New Zealand, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore.

In Indonesia the importance of immunization for adults was not popular, because it's still new, said Sukamto. Understandably, in Indonesia, a new immunization for adults was introduced in 2000. Because they are new, medical suppliers for adult immunization is still lacking.
In addition, not all hospitals can provide this service. Currently that can provide services only certain hospitals in big cities.

In addition, the cost of adult immunizations are also considered expensive. Can reach millions of rupiah, depending on the type of vaccine. Understandably, adult immunization did not get government subsidies, such as immunization of children. just when many adults are lazy to do immunizations. Moreover, socialization is still minimal.

Many people are also less aware that the administration of childhood immunizations are not guaranteed immunity remain until adulthood. Though declining vaccines work as you age, Sukamto said. Therefore, immunization should be repeated as an adult.
In the medical world, immunization re-referred to as booster. Through the booster was reminded again of the body against germs such. Immunization is an effective primary prevention, said Sukamto.

Although effective, it does not mean adults who have been immunized will not be sick. But endurance is stronger than his body secured who are not immunized.
Keep in mind, everyone does have an immune system or the innate immune system. However, less healthy lifestyles can weaken the immune system. That's when the body easily affected by the disease.
According Asrul Hasral, Internal Medicine Specialist Doctors Dharmais Cancer Hospital, immunizations for adults is extremely important. Therefore, different types of diseases suffered by young children.
Adult immunizations can be given to those aged over 12 years. Kind, including influenza immunization, pneumococcal, measles, mumps, rubella or (MMR), difter, pertussis, tetanus (DPT), and immunization difter DT, tetanus (DT).

These vaccines can be given repeatedly, between 3 to 10 years. But there are also vaccines that do not have to be repeated as an adult. For example, hepatitis A and B vaccine be conducted once in a lifetime.


Many who thought, immunization should be done only once in a lifetime. This assumption is not always true. Indeed there are immunizations that need only once, such as measles immunization. But there is also a mandatory immunization updated aliases updated.

For example, influenza immunization. Asrul Hasral, Internal Medicine Specialist Doctors Dharmais Cancer Hospital, Jakarta, say, influenza vaccine should be updated once a year following the change of influenza virus which is also growing. Bird flu and swine flu was the development of influenza virus.

Immunisation pneumokok also need to be updated once every two years. Pneumokok bacteria that spread through the air can cause pneumonia. From various research reports, the success rate reaches 60% of vaccine pneumokok -70%, said Sukamto Koesnoe, Internal Medicine Specialist Doctors Allergy Immunology Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM), Jakarta.

So, there's no harm in you doing repeated immunization. But remember, pneumokok vaccine can not be given to just anyone. Pregnant women are advised not receive an injection of the vaccine because it can be dangerous.

While for the immunization of hepatitis A usually is done once in a lifetime. However, some doctors suggest that this vaccine is also updated once again as an adult. Re-immunization is necessary, because Indonesia is the spread of endemic areas or areas that is easy for the virus of hepatitis A.

Hepatitis A virus thrive in an environment that sanitation is not very good. Some areas in Indonesia have poor sanitation. Therefore, these immunizations need to be updated. You see, most likely the immunizations that we have done as a child was not able to stem the brunt of viral hepatitis A.

Immunisation is also need to update the typhoid fever vaccine. Asrul give suggestions so that we renew the typhoid fever vaccine once every three years. Typhoid fever, or better known as typhoid fever is a bacterial infection of Salmonella typhi. Mostly transmitted through consumption of contaminated food or beverage carrier of germs.

If the work associated with food, such as culinary or open a food stall, you are obliged to renew the typhoid fever vaccine. In addition, if possessed an unhealthy lifestyle or frequent snacks outside the home, you should also regularly update the vaccine. So also if you enjoy traveling to these areas as the place spread of typhoid fever.

There is one more immunizations that must be updated ie Human papilloma virus (HPV). This vaccine can prevent the virus from growing in the anogenital areas like the cervix (neck of the uterus) that causes cervical cancer.

Potentially affected by this deadly disease is active people having sex. In Indonesia, the new HPV vaccine beginning in 2000. There is no research in the country, this vaccine is effective long berap in the body. So far, the new study lasted seven years, said Sukamto.

If you often travel to foreign countries, there is nothing wrong with doing immunization fortify the body. These ways will help you avoid the various diseases that develop in other countries.
According Sukamto Koesnoe, Internal Medicine Specialist Doctors Allergy Immunology Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM), Jakarta, someone who travels abroad has the potential of developing the disease. You see, your stamina decreases as you might have to travel long distances or differences in the weather.

Tail, the body's immune else chimed in fall. At this time, your body also susceptible to disease. We often treat patients suffering from typhoid, hepatitis A, malaria, and dengue fever after returning from travel, said Sukamto. In order not to bring by-by disease, he recommends that you equip yourself with the immunization.

Then, what is required immunizations when abroad? Depending on the country you will visit. If you want to travel to the countries of the former Soviet Union or Thailand, Algeria, and Ecuador, you are encouraged to diphtheria immunization. Therefore, States had become the spread of the virus that attacks respiratory diphtheria.

When traveling to the East Asian region, it helps you defend yourself with Japanese encephalitis vaccine. This vaccine prevents your brain inflammatory diseases that are transmitted by the Culex mosquito species.

For prospective pilgrims, should protect themselves with a meningitis vaccine. Germs can cause meningitis, inflammation of the lining of the brain. Because, when the pilgrimage, you will meet many people. Including with people from endemic areas such as the African meningitis.

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